インフルエンザが流行する冬の季節、今年は加えて #新型コロナウイルス の脅威によりさらに恐れを感じる年になりました。
Coronavirus, Immunity, & Yoga
With the looming threat of #coronavirus, this year’s flu season has become one of the scariest ones in recent years. What can you do?
In addition to all of the typical precautions – hand-washing, mask-wearing, avoiding public gatherings, etc, – one of the best things we can do is yoga.
Yoga protects us by helping to boost immunity. Well-documented, direct benefits of yoga asana (poses) and pranayama (breathing) include: improved circulation, deeper breathing & better oxygenation, and reduced stress.
However, yoga also offers powerful indirect immunity-boosting benefits: self-awareness and consistency in routine.
Self-awareness – we become better observers of ourselves, our current condition, and what we need to do to maintain physical and mental harmony. We listen to our body when it asks us to eat something light or take a little more rest than usual or extricate ourselves from a stressful or noisy environment. In this way, we preempt major issues. Catch yourself before you catch a cold!
Yoga as Anchor for a Daily Routine – the evidence is clear: maintaining a consistent routine is critical to maintaining physical and mental stability. We see this in our community. Students who practice yoga with us 5 days a week tend to be sick less often then those with intermittent practices a few days a week and these students tend to get sick less often than people who don’t practice yoga.
Want to reduce pain, suffering, medical bills and all the other miseries caused by bacteria and viruses of all kinds? Maybe its time you committed to a regular, consistent yoga routine.