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新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止のため、Nature Body Houseでの朝のマイソールクラスは引き続き明日4月3日~14日についても休講いたします。


Unfortunately, given the ongoing concerns with COVID-19 (Coronavirus), NBH will continue to temporarily suspend Morning Mysore until the end of this week (April 3 ~14). We will update you as we receive info from the studio.

Keeping our Global Family Safe with Good Information from a Hamster *Scroll down for English




1. 人混みを避け、高齢者や免疫力が低下した人を危険にさらすことがないように注意していますか?
2. 今、必要なものだけを購入することで、コミュニティの一員として落ち着いて行動していますか?(トイレットペーパーを買いだめはダメですよ!)
3.  CDC(米国疾病予防管理センター)、WHOなどの信頼できる情報のみをシェアし、良い情報を得るようにしていますか?



次に、ポジティブなマインドを保つために(免疫力を高めるために大切!)楽しみながら身の安全を保つ方法を教えてくれる動画をご紹介します。笑顔をシェアするという「バイラル」のセンスを持つことも今の時期はとても重要です。 -ハムスターからのアドバイス -ベトナムのダンス

自分と相手に対して良い行いをして、前向きに過ごしましょう。ニュースではイタリアのあちこちの窓辺から歌声が響きわたる様子が紹介されていましたね。この状況を乗り越えるために共に戦っているイタリアの仲間達と一緒に”Andra tutto bene”と歌いましょう!すべてはきっと大丈夫!


Keeping our Global Family Safe with Good Information from a Hamster

This coronavirus situation has taught us a lot: thoroughly washing hands with awareness staves off infection, social distancing (keeping ample space between each other) can slow down the spread of disease, and taking these precautions can limit the burden on the health care system.

It has also taught us a great lesson about ‘community’. Now, more than ever, it is clear how our actions (and inaction) can seriously impact everyone around us. Here are questions we should be asking ourselves:

1. Am I avoiding crowds and being careful not to endanger the elderly and those with compromised immune systems?
2. Am I remaining calm and being a good community member by purchasing only what I need now? i.e. Don’t hoard toilet paper!
3.. Am I consuming good information and sharing only information from credible sources like CDC & WHO? i.e. Your community, friends and family trust what you share so make sure it is trustworthy!

On that note, here are a few trustworthy links to help get you through this.

-article from the Washington Post showing how a virus like corona can spread and how actions to ‘flatten the curve’ really work.…/20…/world/corona-simulator/

-to keep you smiling and staying positive (which is good for the immune system!), check out these viral sensations – hamster advice — Vietnamese dance hit

Be good to yourself and to each other, stay positive, and let’s sing with our brothers and sisters in Italy, “Andra tutto bene” (Everything will be alright)!