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 Golden Week ZOOM Online Yoga Workshop


Free Your Body, Free Your Mind


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①14:00-16:00 Asana実践 太陽礼拝ディープベーシック:健康と長寿のためのスーリヤナマスカラ
②16:30-17:30 座学-インド神話から知る:スーリヤ神とハタヨガにおける太陽の役割

③14:00-16:00 Asana実践: Balanced Body, Balanced Mind(バランスポーズに挑戦)
④16:30-17:30 プラナヤマ/呼吸法 -プラナ(生命力)のバランスを取るための呼吸法

⑤14:00-16:00 Asana実践 Strong Body, Strong Mind(ジャンプアップ・ジャンプバック・ジャンプスルー)
⑥16:30-17:30 プラナヤマ/呼吸法 -体を強化し、免疫力を高め、心を落ち着かせエネルギーを与える呼吸法

⑦14:00-16:00  Asana実践 Freedom: (アームバランス)-孤立しているときでも自由に感じる方法
⑧16:30-17:30 瞑想/Mindfulness-ストレスの時期に心を解放し、心を静めるマインドフルネスと瞑想

<金額 / Fee>

Asana実践クラス 120分5,000円/回(税込)
座学・呼吸法・瞑想クラス 60分2,500円/回(税込)
Asana実践 4日間パック  18,000円/4日間(税込)
座学・呼吸法・瞑想クラス 4日間パック 9,000円/4日間(税込)

<4日間通し受講 特別割引>

特別コロナ割引※1:フルシリーズ 30,000円のところ 30%オフ→ 21,000円(税込)

ATHA YOGA コミュニティ割引※2:フルシリーズ 30,000円のところ 40%オフ→18,000円(税込)

※1 新型コロナウイルスの影響で困難を強いられている時期ですので、みなさんの練習と学習をサポートするために特別割引を実施します。
※2 STTC(Student Teacher Training Course)受講者、および4月または5月に有料のATHA YOGA ZOOMオンラインクラスを少なくとも1回受講した方(お申し込み時にご予約していれば開催前のクラスでも結構です)

よろしければインドの子供たちが教育を受けることをサポートするためにYoga Gives Backに最低1000円の寄付をお願いします。ご賛同いただける方は、お申し込み時に金額をご選択ください。受講料と合わせてお預かりいたします。




以下の 申し込みフォームよりご予約ください。
お問い合わせ [email protected]



14:00〜16:00 太陽礼拝ディープベーシック:健康と長寿のためのスーリヤナマスカラ

太陽は暗闇を救うものであり、生命、光、そして暖かさを与えてくれます。このワークショップでは、太陽礼拝、つまりスーリヤ ナマスカラの世界に深く入り込みます。スーリヤ ナマスカラA・Bの基本的な流れから始まり、普段の練習ではあまり体験できないユニークなモディフィケーションやバリエーションを紹介します!

16:30-17:30 座学-インド神話から知る:スーリヤ神とハタヨガにおける太陽の役割

14:00-16:00 アーサナ実践: Balanced Body, Balanced Mind(バランスポーズに挑戦)


16:30-17:30 プラナヤマ/呼吸法 -プラナ(生命力)のバランスを取るための呼吸法
生命力の制御と拡大であるプラナヤマは、体だけでなく心にもバランスをもたらす強力な方法です。ヨガの文献である「ハタヨガ プラディピカ」では、「呼吸が妨げられると、心も妨げられる」と述べています。このセッションでは、ナディショーダナなどの呼吸法を学び、プラナのバランスをとります。

14:00-16:00 アーサナ実践 Strong Body, Strong Mind(ジャンプアップ・ジャンプバック・ジャンプスルー)


16:30-17:30プラナヤマ/呼吸法 - 体を強化し、免疫力を高め、心を落ち着かせエネルギーを与える呼吸法

14:00-16:00 アーサナ実践 Freedom: (アームバランス)-孤立しているときでも自由に感じる方法


16:30-17:30 瞑想/マインドフルネス :ストレスの時期に心を解放し、心を静めるマインドフルネスと瞑想

May 2
14:00-16:00 ATHA YOGA Deep Basics: Surya Namaskara for Health & Longevity

The Sun is the dispeller of darkness and giver of life, light, and warmth. In this workshop, we will go deep and into the wonders of Surya Namaskara, the sun salutations.We will start with the basic flows of Surya Namsakara A and B and then go an on adventure, exploring unique modifications and variations that will deepen our connection to Surya!
*this workshop is connected to the lecture that follows

16:30-17:30 Indian Mythology: Lord Surya and the role of the sun in Ha-Tha Yoga
Yoga has its roots in ancient Indian philosophy and mythology. Surya is found in the earliest texts called the Vedas and is praised in one of the oldest mantras, Gayatri Mantra, found in the Rig Veda. In this session, we will look at some of the ancient myths and stories related to Surya and how along with Chandra, the moon, play a vital role in Hatha Yoga.

May 3
14:00-16:00  Asana practice– Balanced Body, Balanced Mind

No matter how strong or flexible we are, we need proper balance. In holistic practices such as Yoga, a balanced body and balanced mind go hand in hand. In this workshop, we will use a variety of standing balancing poses to challenge our understanding of true balance.
*We recommend this WS be taken in conjunction with the pranayama/breathing practice lecture that follows

16:30-17:30  Pranayama – Breathing practices to Balance Prana (life force)
Pranayama, the control and expansion of life force, is a powerful practice to bring balance to not only the body but the mind. The yoga text “Hatha Yoga Pradipika” says “when the breath is disturbed, so is the mind”. In this session, we will learn breathing techniques like nadi shodana to bring balance.

May 4
14:00-16:00  Asana practice – Strong Body, Strong Mind: Creating Core using Jump Up, Jump Back, and Jump Through

Yoga encourages us to develop a strong body in order to have the energy and strength to follow our dharma, our path in life. A strong body is also invaluable in making a strong mind. In this WS, we will approach the challenging ‘jump up, back, and through’ sequences to develop core strength and stability. Get ready to sweat!
*We recommend this WS be taken in conjunction with the pranayama/breathing practice lecture that follows

16:30-17:30  Pranayama Energizing breathing practices to strengthen the body, boost immunity and calm the Mind
Breathing practices such as ujjayi, kapalabhati and bastrika are used to energize the body and mind, boost immunity and ultimately calm the mind. Join us as we learn how to approach beginner to advanced breathing practices. Time to energize!

May 5
14:00-16:00 Asana practice – Freedom through Arm Balancing — how to feel free even when you’re self-isolated

The ultimate goal of Yoga can be said to be ‘moksha’ or freedom. This can be defined in many ways. The asana practice of lifting our feet of the ground and balancing on our hands and arms is an incredibly freeing feeling. So come fly with us as we learn how to become arm balancers!
*We recommend this WS be taken in conjunction with the meditation practice lecture that follows

16:30-17:30  Mindfulness & Meditation to Free & Quiet the Mind in Times of Stress
Freedom of the body is a gateway to freedom of the Mind. While a physical asana practice can take us to the gates, meditation can ensure we cross over the other side where freedom awaits. In this session, we will discuss mindfulness and meditation and experience meditation techniques to quiet and ultimately free the Mind. Something we all need in this time of self-isolation and stress!


Asana class 120min  5,000 yen
Zagaku class 60min   2,500 yen
4-day asana pack 18,000 yen
4-day zagaku pack 9,000 yen

< Special Discount >

Special Corona Discount*1: Full Series 30% off →21,000 yen
ATHA YOGA Community Discount *2: Full Series 40 % off →18,000 yen

*1 We know it is a very difficult time for so many in the yoga community and so to support your practice and learning, we are offering this very special discount.

*2 STTC members or anyone who purchased at least one ATHA ZOOM class in April or purchases at least one for May (does not include mysore and other free classes). You still have time to sign up!

For those who are able, we ask you add a minimum 1000yen donation which we will send via Yoga Gives Back to support vulnerable children in India get an education.



Chandra Bhedana Breathing Practice

Chandra Bhedana Breathing Practice

*Scroll down for English

2020年4月23日は新月。この日の夜のマニーシュによるZOOMヨガクラス、スローフロー・呼吸・瞑想のレッスンでは、「チャンドラ ベダナ プラナヤマ」を紹介します。チャンドラは月、ベダナは刺すまたは通過を意味する呼吸法です。 新型コロナウイルスによる外出自粛などにより知らぬ間にストレスがかかると交感神経が過剰に刺激されてしまいます。 その対策として、副交感神経を活性化させて心身を落ち着かせる、左鼻呼吸法を行います。


ATHA YOGA ZOOMオンラインヨガクラス

This Thursday (4/23) is a new moon and in our Evening Slow Flow, Pranayama and Meditation Class, Maneesh will be introducing ‘Chandra (moon) Bhedana (piercing or passing through) Pranayama’. In times of stress such as during self-isolation, the sympathetic nervous system becomes overstimulated. As a countermeasure, we apply this left-nostril breathing technique which activates the parasympathetic nervous system to calm the mind and body.

Join us this Thursday to learn more how a gentle flow, pranayama and meditation practice can help decrease your stress levels and increase your resilience.

ATHA YOGA ZOOM online yoga classes


An Introduction to ‘Kapalabhati’ pranayama


*Scroll down for English


そこで、前回ご紹介したTrāṭaka(トラタク)キャンドル瞑想に加えて、私が最近の状況に合わせて、改めて取り入れたプラクティスは Kapalabhati(カパラバティ)です。トラタクと同様に、Shatkriyas(別名Shatkarmas)はハタヨガの6つの浄化の1つです。



フッ! フッ! フッ! フッ! フッ! と連続して強く息を吐く呼吸法であるカパラバティは、ろうそくを吹き消すような短く鋭い呼気と、受動的な吸入を行います。息を吐くときは下腹部(恥骨とへその間)を力強く収縮させて、肺から空気を押し出します。



How to Strengthen Lungs: An Introduction to ‘Kapalabhati’ pranayama

After being stuck indoors for all these days, its not just our bodies and minds but our lungs as well that long for the outdoors. We need air for our lungs to rejoice. And we need our lungs to be strong to deeply breathe in this air that supports every activity in our body from movement and digestion to immunity.

So one of the other practices (in addition to Trāṭaka candle meditation we introduced last week) that I have recently ramped up is “Kapalabhati”. Like Trataka, this is one of the Shatkriyas / Shatkarmas or 6 purifications of Hatha Yoga. It is known to:

  1. cleanse lungs and respiratory system
  2. strengthen & tone the abdominal muscles
  3. energize us! – hence the name “lustrous or shining (bhati) skull (kapala)”

The actions consist of a powerful exhalation – like blowing out the candle after your candle meditation but with your mouth closed – and a passive inhalation.

While on the surface Kapalabhati may seem like a relatively simple practice, it requires a lot of control and refinement. So like any of the great yoga practices, it is important to learn this technique under the guidance of an experienced teacher and then practice, practice, practice!

Kapalabhati is one of those amazing high return practices that requires only a few minutes but benefits us the whole day. So the next time you are feeling a little down or low energy, think about adding this traditional breathing practice to your daily regime.


‘Trāṭaka’: Candle Meditation to De-stress



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Trāṭakaは通常、キャンドルを凝視して行いますが、時には偶像や写真を用いることもあります。単一の点に焦点を合わせると「アジュナチャクラ」(第三の目)がアクティブになり、結果として認知での多くの効果がもたらされます。 また、「Trāṭakaは高齢者の認知を高めるための手法として使用できる」という研究結果もあります。




Coronavirus, uncertainty, and self-isolation have inspired me to rediscover and re-explore my yoga practice in a new way. One practice I reinserted into my daily regimen is Trāṭaka, one of Shatkriyas.

In traditional Hatha yoga, we are introduced to the concept of Shatkriyas (aka Shatkarmas) or six purification techniques. These techniques are said to cleanse various parts of the body like the sinuses (‘neti’ nasal cleaning), digestive tract (‘dhauti’), etc. Trāṭaka is one such kriya that not only cleanses the eyes but is a powerful meditation technique to reduce anxiety and normalize sleep.

Trāṭaka typically involves focusing one’s gaze on a candle however the object of focus could be an idol, picture, etc. Yogis believe that focusing on a single point activates the ‘ajna chakra’ (‘third-eye’) and results in a multitude of cognitive benefits. Research published at NCBI (NIH) concluded that “Trāṭaka can be used as a technique to enhance cognition in the elderly”.

What I realized in going back to this practice is that I had been unknowingly storing a lot of stress in my eyes – all that staring at screens during isolation and being ultra-sensitive whenever I left my apartment had taken its toll. And I think that this is even more true for those who tend not to cry very often (whether for joy or pain). Tears are cleansing.

So try adding a brief Trāṭaka (candle meditation) to your daily self-isolation routine and sleep and feel better. Thank you ancient Yogis!

Take care, stay calm, and stay vigilant yet optimistic. We will get through this together.