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Coming Home: 3 Simple Steps

*Scroll down for English

apne ghar vich aa, e gal asli aa

dhoondan kite na jaa, e gal asli aa



母が先日、このパンジャビのバジャン(bhajan 祈りの歌)を私にシェアしてくれました。 それは何世代にもわたって受け継がれ、私たちがヨガ(そして人生)の実践で探求している本質を捉えています:それは本物で永続的な平和の感覚を見つけることです。

ヨガのクラスでは、「観察する」、「沈黙を味わう」、「paramātma(普遍的な魂)がjivātma(個人の魂)を見る」などの言葉を使用します。 しかし、皆さんの心に響く表現は「Homeに戻る」でしょう。

Homeは安全で守られ安定している場所や空間です。 そして避難所であり聖域です。 Homeは暖かさに包まれ、この上なく幸せが満たされていると感じます。 そして本物のHomeでは、保護されると同時に自由であると感じます。 間違った方向に進まないように守っていますが、やりたいことを自由にでき、自分らしくいることができるところです。



–> ‘Homeに戻る’ 3つのシンプルなステップ —



  1. DehaDhāraṇā(体の集中)


・頭のてっぺんからつま先の先までゆっくりと体をスキャンします。 もし集中の助けになるようなら、右小指の先端に注意を向けるくらい意識を研ぎ澄ませてみましょう。

  1. PrāṇaDhāraṇā(生命力/呼吸に集中)



  1. 今ここにいること




Happy Holidays


Coming Home: 3 Simple Steps

apne ghar vich aa, e gal asli aa

dhoondan kite na jaa, e gal asli aa

Come inside your Home, this is the real thing.

Don’t go searching outside, this is the real thing.

My Mother shared this Punjabi bhajan (devotional song) with me the other day. It has been passed down for generations and captures the essence of what we are trying to do with our yoga (and life) practice: find a real and lasting sense of peace.

In yoga class, we use words such as ‘observe’, ‘savor the silence’, ‘the paramātma (universal soul) watches the jivātma (individual soul)’. But the expression that has really resonated with students is ‘Coming Home’. 

Home is the place, the space where you are safe, secure and steady.  It is a refuge, a sanctuary. At Home, you feel blanketed with warmth and blissfully nourished. And in a true Home you feel protected and free. Protected from the forces that pull you in the wrong direction yet free to do and say what you want and to be yourself.

Here’s the thing we often forget though – Home is with you whenever, wherever, whatever. 

Just close your eyes and let yourself be Here, at Home.

It sounds easy and it can be, the yogis assure us.  But we often need a bit of support in this pursuit.  So here are 3 simple steps to bring yourself Home:

  1. Deha Dhāraṇā (body concentration)
    • Shift your awareness from the outer world to the inner by focusing on the physical vessel you’ve been given  
    • Slowly scan the body from the top of the head through to the tips of the toes. If it helps you to go in, get as detailed as bringing attention to the tip of your right pinky finger.
  2. Prāṇa Dhāraṇā (life force / breath concentration)
    • Now shift your awareness from your gross body to your more subtle breath
    • Just rest your attention on the breath as it moves naturally and effortlessly – this may seem like an easy and boring activity but once the process takes hold, you will experience a softness and a profound unwinding
  3. Be Present
    • And finally, let your awareness rest in the moment
    • There’s nowhere to go. There’s nothing to do. There’s no one to be.

This Christmas and New Year’s o-shogatsu Holiday season, we may not be able to go to our physical homes to visit family and friends but we can surely be at Home inside ourselves.

Happy Holidays



Dec.31, 2020 17:00 JST (8:00am GMT)


Join us on the last day of 2020 as we wrap up the year with an enchanting, meditative, musical journey…into the light of 2021!

Make it a moving meditation by trying 108 Surya Namaskara (sun salutations) or a peaceful sitting meditation or just lay back and enjoy the soulful vibrations of the breath-takingly talented Radhika Vekaria.

In the holiday spirit of giving, we ask you to join us in giving back to the Motherland of Yoga – the country that has changed so many of our lives – by supporting the education of Her underprivileged children. 

With year-end outings and parties on hold, why not donate and change the life of a child?  Even with a small donation, your impact is incredible.

INTO THE LIGHT: A Year-end Musical Meditation Event with Radhika & Maneesh
Date: December 31, 2020
Time: 17:00-18:30 JST (8:00am-9:30am GMT)
Place: Zoom
*For those attempting the 108 Sun Salutations, get your mats ready!

To Get Involved:

  1. Reserve your spot (click below) and receive your Zoom link
  2. Make your donation (minimum $25~) by clicking on the second link below
  3. Tell all your friends about it! The more the merrier!

*Note: sign up deadline 12/31 (latest 15:00 JST) to receive your Zoom link.

Presented by ATHA YOGA

Radhika Vekaria is no stranger to capturing purpose & a higher calling within her music – her namesake “Radha” is the Vedic goddess of love and devotion; two concepts that are synonymous with Vekaria’s pursuit of the arts & music.  A classically trained musician, Radhika has performed in a number of impressive situations; from lead in the multi-faceted production INDIA INDIA to a member of bands fronted by luminaries like the late artist Prince.  Her worldwide experience and exploration of music has brought her home to the sounds of her heritage and on Dec 31st, Radhika will be performing an intimate and unique session of meditative mantra and chanting, weaving in pieces from her recently released album SAPTA, The Seven Ways.  Falling stylistically somewhere between world music, textural soundscape and a collection of mantras, SAPTA (the Sanskrit word for “Seven”) is a powerful ode to Vekaria’s Indian roots and the Sanskrit mantras which have guided thousands of years of healing for devotees of yoga and meditative arts.  。

Maneesh grew up firmly established in the roots and philosophy of Yoga. A degree in pharmacology gave him an insight into the human body from a scientific standpoint and his passion for sports made him a lifelong student of physiology, function and movement. After MBA school and working in finance in Japan and Hong Kong, he returned to India in pursuit of further studies in Yoga, Ayurveda, and Sanskrit.  Since returning to Japan in 2009, Maneesh has been sharing his insights both domestically and abroad, offering classes, retreats, workshops as well as corporate lectures and seminars on yoga, meditation, mindfulness and wellness.
His Indian roots and knowledge of Indian yoga & meditation and his two decades of living in Japan give his teaching an authenticity and relatability that cannot be denied. It is rare to find a teacher with a mix of cultural, educational, physical, and linguistic experiences to bring together the ancient and modern, East and West, the spiritual and the scientific.
Founder: ATHA YOGAManthan Wellness


A Year-end Musical Meditation Event with Radhika & Maneesh

December 31, 2020 @ 5:00PM — 6:30PM

(Please click here for English)



恵まれないインドの子供たちの教育を支援するYoga Gives Backへのチャリティイベントです。皆さんからのご支援はすべてYGBに寄付いたします。ヨガからたくさんの恩恵を受けている私たち。年末のお出かけやパーティを自粛した分のお金を少しインドの子供たちに恩返ししませんか?

INTO THE LIGHT :A Year-end Musical Meditation Event with Radhika & Maneesh
時間:5:00PM — 6:30PM(JST)




  1. イベントに参加予約
  2. Yoga Gives BackのWEBサイトにて寄付(2500円~)
  3. 友達にもシェア!

*12/31 15:00 JSTまでにご予約ください。Zoomリンクを送付いたします。

Radhika Vekaria
最新アルバム「SAPTA(サンスクリット語で「7」を意味)」The SevenWaysSAPTAは、ワールドミュージック、テクスチャのサウンドスケープ、マントラのコレクションが融合した作品で、彼女のインドのルーツと何千年にわたりヨガや瞑想に献身する人々を癒しに導いてきたサンスクリットのマントラへの抒情詩となっている。

マニーシュのインドのルーツとヨガと瞑想の知識、そして日本での20年間の生活は、古代と現代、東洋と西洋、精神と科学を結びつけてヨガの本質を伝える彼の教えの信憑性と信頼性を裏付けている。ATHA YOGA 主宰。

12月月曜・火曜・木曜18:30~  ZOOM オンラインクラス

12月の夜クラス テーマ




マントラのリクエストにお応えして、火曜日の夜クラスはマントラをベースに行います。 12月は、Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinahaを学び、練習し、洗練していきます。マニーシュの動画をご覧ください。





  • 100クラス以上が見放題!
    • ストレッチとリバランス(36本 x 45&30分)
    • ストロングフローと Wake-up ヨガ (36本 x 90 & 45min)
    • マインドフルネス、瞑想、チャンティング、呼吸法 (36本 x 75 & 45分)
  • 2020年12月31日まで好きなクラスを好きなだけご覧いただけます。
  • 金額:5,000円(税込)



予約したクラスの録画リンクをお送りしますので、希望のクラスをメールでご連絡ください (email: [email protected])