Posts In: 免疫力アップ

#%it Happens


#%it Happens

It was our first live, in-person event in Tokyo in over half a year and everyone was excited to finally practice some yoga physically in the same room together. In fact, for some joiners, it would be nearly three years since we last met face-to-face.

So, Saturday morning we made our way bursting with anticipation ready to finally kick off the event. We arrived at the entrance to the building and it looked deserted. It was dark and cold and even the 24/7 convenience store on the main floor was shut.  It seemed as though our opening day to our much-awaited event was about to be thwarted by a power outage. Now, for those of you who have lived in Japan, you know that power outages are virtually unheard of (see graph 1). But, I guess we made the Gods laugh by making our plans.

What a way to start. The elevators were down, the lights were off and the all-important security card, which we needed to open the doors once we climbed up to the sixth floor, would not work.  We were stuck. Excited participants started arriving at the entrance but the automatic doors would of course not open. Those planning to join online for the hybrid session were anxiously waiting to get in but no electricity meant no WI-FI and hence no ZOOM.

So, yes, #%it happened. But what happened next was inspiring.

No complaints, no frustration. Just everyone banding together to find a way to make the best of the situation.  The building attendant managed to find an old, physical key to get us into a lobby area that was connected to a long, clean, carpeted hallway with adjoining meeting rooms boasting large windows. Participants made their way up six flights of stairs in the dark, lugging their yoga mats and gear. And from there, everyone made it work. Together we converted the space into our very own make-shift studio with some spectacular natural lighting.

We had fortunately thrown into one of our backpacks a fully charged, back-up pocket WIFI. So, as we were all getting settled into the make-shift studio, those joining online were able to settle into ZOOM.  And voilà, just 30 minutes later than scheduled, the opening session was underway. No one was going to allow a little issue like no electricity ruin our event!

For so many of us busy bodies with overflowing task lists and unforgivingly tight schedules, a train delay, traffic on the road, or generally anything that gets in the way of things not going the way we planned, can be huge causes of consternation and stress.

But the stuff that really sticks out in life, the memories we often cherish most and revel in sharing, are the ones when something extraordinary happened. In this case, I mean literally something that was out of the ordinary like something unexpected or unplanned.  Just think about some of your fondest memories from your travels. Perhaps you walked off the beaten trail to discover some breathtaking scenery or a tiny, locally-run restaurant that doesn’t show up on Google Maps or in any of the travel guides. Or perhaps you encountered a problem – you got lost or sick – and a local or fellow-traveler was there to lend a hand.

It is easier to accept these ‘happenings’ when we are out of our regular routine like when on vacation but what if we could find some meaning and joy even in our daily lives when our regular schedule is so rudely interrupted by something unplanned?  And, what if we could create a body and mind that were more adept and more receptive to not just remaining calm in these circumstances but actually making the most out of them?

I can already hear you saying that the answer is a resounding YES! And, if you’ve read some of my other blogs, you already know that yoga and meditation are here to support these endeavors to create a more adept, receptive, and resilient body and mind.

Now, here’s some scientific evidence that may help to make you a real believer.

Functional MRI (left) showing activation in the amygdala when participants were watching images with emotional content before learning meditation. After eight weeks of training in mindful attention meditation (right) note the amygdala is less activated after the meditation training.
Source: The Harvard Gazette (4/9/2018)

The data shows that after just 8 weeks of daily meditation practice the activity of the region of the brain that responds to stressful stimuli – the amygdala – is less activated. In other words, after the practice of meditation, the brain is more resilient to being pushed and pulled around. And that’s just after 8 weeks.

Dr. Sara Lazar, a neuroscientist at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, found that among participants who spent an average of 27 minutes per day over eight weeks practicing mindfulness exercises, there was a major increase in gray matter density in the hippocampus, the part of the brain associated with self-awareness. The brain actually got heavier!

There are plenty of more great studies if you are interested but what I hope you take away with after reading this is that there are two excellent ways to help you be better prepared for ‘happenings’ in life.

First, it’s all about perspective. Get comfortable with and, if possible, revel in the fact that much if not all of life is beyond our control. It’s usually not the end of the world if the power goes out for a while or your train is a few minutes late or you are not able to check off all of the items on your ‘to do’ list. There is more to this marvelous, mysterious life we’ve been given.

Second, cultivate a body, brain and mind that are much better equipped to carry you through life’s ‘happenings’, big and small, allowing you to maintain a level-head and right perspective in these situations. This will make you much more present and more able to make the best out of whatever comes your way. The how is here and waiting for you. Now, it’s just about the when.

Values are for 2015. The value for Japan is the total of 10 power companies.
The value for the US is the total of the summer peak.
Source: “Overseas Electric Power Industry Statistic” (2016 Edition), Japan Electric Power Information Center











しかし、人生において本当に大切なもの、大切にしている思い出、そして他の人と共有する喜びは、何か特別な事が起きた時に得られるものでもあります。今回のような予期せぬ予定外の事等、日常からかけ離れた事がそれを意味します。 旅先での楽しい思い出を改めて思い浮かべて見てください。Googleマップや旅行ガイドは教えてくれないような美しい風景や、地元の小さなレストランを見つけるために、人里離れた道を歩いた経験はありませんか?もしかすると道に迷ったり、旅先で体調が優れなかった時、地元の人やたまたまそばに居合わせた旅行者が手を差し伸べてくれた経験がある人もいるでしょう。

もし私たちが日常生活の中で、予定外の出来事によって日常生活が突然中断されたとしても、そこに意味や喜びを見出す事ができるとしたらどうでしょう? そのような状況下でも落ち着き、その状況を最大限に活用できるような、より熟練した受容力のある身体と心を持ち合わせてみたいと思いませんか?

皆さんの口から、「YES 」という答えが聞こえてきそうです。そして、私の他のブログを読んでくださっている方は、ヨガと瞑想が、さらに熟練した、受容力と回復力のある身体と心を作るための努力をサポートしてくれる事をすでにご存じだと思います。


(左)瞑想学習前 / (右)8週間のマインドフルネス瞑想学習後






その方法はここにあり、 あなたを待っています。あとは、いつやるかだけですね。


Values are for 2015. The value for Japan is the total of 10 power companies. The value for the US is the total of the summer peak.
Source: “Overseas Electric Power Industry Statistic” (2016 Edition), Japan Electric Power Information Center

All Moments Are Fleeting. Let them fleet…


All Moments Are Fleeting. Let them fleet…

The Yogis tell us that each moment in life is an opportunity for us to see ourselves. For most of us, there is an overpowering attachment to the moments we most enjoy and, conversely, an overpowering revulsion to the moments we most dislike. The rest of the moments fall along a spectrum of pleasure-attachment and displeasure-avoidance. And we spend much of our lives oscillating between these two sides.

Unfortunately, clinging to these moments or trying to recapture those that have long since passed us by, is a sure-fire path to misery and suffering. Even if we do re-experience that moment of pleasure – that great meal, that stimulating conversation, that brilliant moment of success – it is doomed again to melt away into the abyss we call past or memory, wherever and whatever that may actually be.

That is why yoga philosophy puts so much emphasis on the practice of ‘aparigraha’ (non-attachment) and ‘vairagya’ (renunciation).

But the very same philosophy tells us that we are here to experience the world around us  (*1 prakāśakriyāsthitiśīlaṃ bhūtendriyātmakaṃ bhogāpavargārthaṃ dṛśyam) and that through this process, we are able to once again see our true selves; to reunite (yoga) with and abide in our true nature or Higher Self (*2 tadā draṣṭuḥ svarūpe ‘vasthānam).

As we often find with yoga philosophy, what seems like a paradox is actually the key to finding what we are looking for. 

Here’s a simple way to look at this:

  1. We need to experience, really fully and completely experience, life. That means concentrating and fighting the urge to be distracted by smartphones, SNS, bright lights, shiny objects, how green the grass appears on the other side and the loudest barking dog, whether that be a company or a person.
  2. However, we must do so keeping in mind that the moment is fleeting and is meant to be so.  In fact, clinging to the experience is antithetical to fully experiencing the present moment. You can’t be free and cling at the same time. Just watch a free falling skydiver if you don’t believe me!
  3. We observe ourselves to see if (or rather, when) we are becoming attached to the moments, whether that be chasing those pleasures (*3 sukhānuśayī rāgaḥ) or avoiding pain (*4  duḥkhānuśayī dveṣaḥ).
  4. By observing ourselves, we get to know ourselves a bit better. Just picture how children observe and get to know their parents and the world around them. We need only do the same – with openness, curiosity and no judgment – but shift the observation to the internal world.
  5. By adding a little practice of letting go of that which does not serve us, we inch our way closer to our true Self.

It’s not easy to overcome our very human need to attach. This is our innate way of finding stability, security and comfort. We get attached as babies to the caregivers who make eating, drinking and getting clean a possibility. And attachment continues through childhood and into adulthood as we look to fulfill our needs for financial stability, social acceptance and so much more.

However just because it is not easy, doesn’t mean we can’t make a go of it. We can definitely move the bar with even a little bit of effort. And there’s no rush to get it all done in one day.

Start with the realization that all moments are fleeting. This fact doesn’t make the moment less important or lesser in any way.  Experience it fully and then watch yourself as you let the moment dissipate. After all, fleeting moments were meant to ‘fleet’. So let them.

*1 Patanjali Yoga Sutras (PYS) II.18

*2 PYS I.3

*3 PYS II.7

*4 PYS II.8






自分を取り巻く世界を経験し (※1 prakāśakriyāsthitiśīlaṃ bhūtendriyātmakaṃ bhogāpavargārthaṃ dṛśyam)、その経験を通じて本当の自分、すなわち魂に繋がり(YOGA)、その状態を維持していくのだと。(※2 tadā draṣṭuḥ svarūpe ‘vasthānam)



  1. 私たちは、与えられた人生を、全うしなければなりません。つまり、スマートフォンやSNS、きらきらと眩しく見える物、青く見える隣の芝生ばかりに気を取られている時間はないのです。
  2. しかし、忘れてはならないこと、それは全ての瞬間は儚いものだということ。人生を全うしようと体験にしがみつくことは、一瞬一瞬を完全に体験することと相反しています。空中を落下するスカイダイバーを思い浮かべるときっと分かりやすいと思うのですが、自由である事と、しがみつく事を同時に行うのは不可能なのです。
  3. 快楽を追い求めていないか(※3 sukhānuśayī rāgaḥ)、苦しみを避けていないか(※4 duḥkhānuśayī dveṣaḥ)、その瞬間に執着していないか、自分を観察しましょう。
  4. 自分を観察することで、私たちは自身を少しずつ知り始めます。子供が親や周りの世界を観察し、理解していくように。オープンな姿勢で、好奇心をもって、「こうだ」と始めから決めつけることなく、観察する対象を自分の内面に移すだけでいいのです。
  5. 自分に必要のないものを手放す練習を少し加えることで、本当の自分自身に近づく道が少しずつ見えてきます。




*1 Patanjali Yoga Sutras (PYS) II.18

*2 PYS I.3

*3 PYS II.7

*4 PYS II.8

The Stories We Tell Ourselves


The Stories We Tell Ourselves

I was teaching a class this morning to people new to the world of mindfulness and yoga. As I do in most of these cases, I started by introducing the concept of ‘unseen patterns’ or what the yogis described in Sanskrit as vritti.

Now, the interesting thing about these ‘unseen patterns’ is that even though we don’t see them, they have a very real impact on our lives – how we sit and stand, move, interact with others, and, as we’ll get to in a moment, how we experience life.

The only way we can start to see these patterns is when someone (or we,ourselves) points them out.  Until then, we are virtually oblivious to them.  Unless, we’ve been training ourselves to catch them.  The intro classes I teach are at first about tuning into our physical patterns – such as slouching shoulders or shallow breathing – and then undoing these patterns.

These unseen patterns become all the more interesting (and insidious) when they affect our minds.  A simple example of this is what we call ‘the stories we tell ourselves’.  We all have them. These narratives that go round and round in our minds, occupying our time and taking us out of the present and away from who or what is in front of us here and now.

Most of us spend an inordinate amount of time engaged in self-talk and repetitive stories. We may keep telling ourselves that we are not good enough or do not deserve success / happiness / love / friends / a job we enjoy / etc. These stories may have to do with insecurities related to body image, personality, intelligence or other personal characteristics. Or they may take the form of the all-too-common ‘so and so’s life is so much better than my life.’

The story may also seem positive and affirming. “I am good. I am worthy. I am this. I did that.” These stories are, on the surface, less painful than the ‘negative’ ones we often have swirling in our heads. However, if we spend much of our day, time and focus affirming and reaffirming these ‘positive’ patterns, we are still being pulled out of the here and now. These may be a mechanism of protecting ourselves and so may actually be hindering personal change and growth.

Being stuck in any repeating story means that we lose out on the moment. We are unable to be present for what is in front of us and to experience it purely, without our filters and baggage.

So, what’s the solution?

  1. See the pattern – or have someone / a good guide help you!
  2. Shift the pattern – from negative to positive, as a first step, may be helpful
  3. Drop the pattern – or more aptly, allow it to dissipate

What are the stories you tell yourself? 


The Stories We Tell Ourselves

今朝、初めてマインドフルネスやヨガの世界に触れる人たちに、あるクラスを教えていました。 私はこのような場合「見えないパターン」、つまりヨギたちがサンスクリット語で「ヴリッティ」と表現するものの概念を紹介することからクラスをスタートしています。


このようなパターンは、誰かに(あるいは私たち自身に)指摘されることで、初めて気付くようなものです。そのパターンを捉える訓練を積んでいれば話は別なのですが、指摘されるまで私たちはほとんど意識することなく過ごしています。 ですから私が教えるイントロクラスではまず、猫背、浅い呼吸に気づき、それを取り除くことから始めます。

このような目に見えないパターンが私たちの心に現れるのは興味深い事ですが、厄介なものにもなる事があります。 例えば、私たちは皆「自分の心が勝手に作り上げたストーリー」を持っているのです。このストーリーが心の中でぐるぐると回り始めると、私たちの時間を奪い、今目の前にあるものや人の事を忘れてしまうのです。


また、時にそのストーリーは前向きで肯定的なものに聞こえます。「私は大丈夫。私には価値がある。」 といったように。なぜならば表面的には、私たちが頭の中でループさせている「ネガティブ」な話のように重くのしかかってこないからです。しかし、もし私たちが一日中、これらの「ポジティブ」なパターンを肯定し、再確認する事ばかりに時間を費やしているのなら、これもまた「今ここ」から引き離されている事となるでしょう。これらは、自分自身を守るためのメカニズムでもあり、実際には個人の変化や成長を妨げている可能性があるのです。



  1. パターンを見る – あるいは、あなたにとって良い助言者を持つ!
  2. パターンをシフトする – ネガティブからポジティブへ。最初の一歩としてきっと役に立ってくれるはずです!
  3. パターンを削除する – より正確には、それが消えていくように!


The 5 States of Mind  ~Where is your mind today?~


The 5 States of Mind 

~Where is your mind today?~

In his exposition of the Yoga Sutras,the venerable sage Vyasa teaches us about the 5 states of the mind.   We will get into why knowledge of these states is important and how this knowledge can be useful in our daily lives but first, let’s look at what they are:

  1. Kshipta = Disturbed → When the mind is restless or troubled, it is said to be in this, the lowest or most undesirable of the mental states. It is not simply distracted (vikshipta) but agitated and possibly even chaotic. There can be varying degrees of agitation but they are generally associated with intense, negative feelings.
  2. Mudha = Dull → This mind is heavy and listless. Unlike the kshipta disturbed mind, there is no running around. Instead, this state of mind is present when we are lethargic and not motivated to do anything.  Since this mind is somewhat settled compared to the kshipta distrubed state, it is easier to train and move it to a more desirable state.
  3. Vikshipta = Distracted → This is the ‘monkey mind’ state, where we are able to notice the fluctuations of the mind. It is generally distracted in this state although from time-to-time, it becomes steady and focused.  The mind in this state gets very easily distracted however we can draw it back to focus on a task or activity. When we sit in meditation and finally observe ourselves, this is the mind that we first encounter. The vikshipta mind is foundational as we begin our yoga, meditation and mindfulness journey with our practice gradually taking us to the two most desirable mental states.
  4. Ekagra = One-pointed → When we have trained our mind to finally be focused on one point, the real yoga can begin. When we are one-pointed, we are no longer distracted by internal processes such as memories and emotions nor by the external environment (PYS I.32). In this state we are fully present to fulfill all of our duties yet we do not get involved or distracted by them. Ekagara or focus is what we aim to cultivate through our various yoga and meditation techniques.
  5. Nirodhah = Mastered → This is the state Patanjali uses to define yoga: “yoga chitta vritti nirodhah”, yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind. This level of control is something that can only be experienced through abhyas (practice, effort) and vairagyam (letting go). This state is often misunderstood as suppressing the mind or detaching from the world. But in fact, through mastering the mind, one becomes able to focus deeply inward. The ancient yogis tell us that even though this state is impossible to describe, once you experience it, you know it.

Knowing where your mind is NOW

Helps you to get to where you are going.

Know Thyself!

Understanding these states allows us to better recognize them in ourselves.  It’s like when you know that your lethargic body doesn’t need rest but rather a brisk walk outside in some fresh air and a shot of sunlight to feel better.

When you see that your mind is overactive (kshipta), you can take steps such as using a calming nadi shodana (alternate nostril) breathing practice to settle it down.

Similarly, if you catch your mind being dull (mudha), you can use some physical yoga (asana) or powerful breathing like kapala bhati (shining forehead) to reinvigorate the mind.

When you find yourself being distracted easily (vikshipta), you may want to try the mind-focusing technique of trataka candle meditation.

As observing the mind becomes second nature, you become more attuned to your mental state and better skilled at moving into the two most desired states of ekagra and, eventually, nirodhah

And nirodhah is, in turn, the doorway to really knowing thyself (self-realization).

Your journey begins NOW. Where is your mind?

The 5 States of Mind

~Where is your mind today?~


聖者ヴィヤーサ師はパタンジャリのヨガスートラに書かれている心理状態について解説しています。ヴィヤーサによれば心理状態には5つあります。 私たちがこれらを知る事がなぜ重要なのか、そしてこの知識が日常生活でどのように役立つのか、まずはこの5つの心理状態について見ていきましょう。

  1. Kshipta = 不安・困惑・動揺・心配

    → 心が落ち着かない、または悩んでいる時の精神状態であり、単に気が散っている(vikshipta)のではなく、動揺しており、場合によっては混沌としている事さえあるため、最も望ましくない状態とも言えます。動揺のレベルは様々ですが、一般的には非常に強い否定的な感情を伴っている事があります。
  1. Mudha = 気だるい・冴えない・どんよりとした・退屈

    → 心が重く、元気がない時の精神状態。kshiptaのようにそわそわと落ち着きのない心の状態とは異なり、無気力で何もやる気が起きない時の心の状態です。kshiptaの状態に比べ、この心はある程度落ち着いた状態であるため、訓練によって望ましい状態へと移行させる事が、比較的容易です。
  1. Vikshipta = 注意力散漫

    → これは正に「モンキーマインド」の状態。時折、安定した集中力を発揮するものの、一般的に非常に気が散りやすく、心ここにあらずの状態です。 私たちはその心を引き戻し、仕事や活動に集中させることができます。目を閉じて静かに座って瞑想をする時、最初に訪れるのがこの”vikshipta”(ヴィークシプタ)マインドです。この心は、ヨガ・瞑想・マインドフルネスの旅を始めるにあたって基礎となるもので、練習によって徐々に最も望ましい2つの精神状態へと導かれていきます。

  2. Ekagra = 一点集中

    →ここまで達してようやく本当のヨガが始まります。一点に集中できた時、私たちはもはや記憶や感情等の内的プロセスにも、外部環境にも気を取られることはない(パタンジャリヨガスートラ I.32より)。この状態に入ると、他の物に自分のペースを乱されたり、気を取られたりする事はありません。一点に集中する事”ekagara”は、私たちが様々なヨガや瞑想のテクニックを通して養う事ができます。

  3. Nirodhah = マスターした状態

    →パタンジャリがヨガを定義するときに使う状態です。「yoga chitta vritti nirodhah」、ヨガとは心の揺らぎを止める事。このレベルのコントロールは、アビヤース(修行、努力)とヴァイラーギヤ(手放すこと)によってのみ経験できるもの。この状態は、感情の抑制や世間からの距離を置くような事と誤解されがちですが、実際には、心を支配することによって、人は内側に深く集中する事ができるようになるのです。古代のヨギー達は、この状態を説明する事はできないが、たった一度でも経験する事ができれば知り得るものだ、と伝えてくれています。

Knowing where your mind is NOW

Helps you to get to where you are going.



Know Thyself! 自分自身を知ろう!



同様に、自分の心が気だるく元気のない”mudha”を感じたら、身体を使ったヨガ(asana)や「kapala bhati(輝く額)」のような力強い呼吸法が、心の活性化に役立ちます。





Don’t Study Yoga Philosophy!

*Scroll down for English













疑問・目的 → 調査・実践 → 回答 → レビューと次の疑問・目的 → そしてプロセスが続いていきます…







Don’t Study Yoga Philosophy!

I get a lot of questions from students and friends asking if studying yoga philosophy  is important. As for most things, the first question I ask is “why”?

Let’s take a moment to look at the two major components of yoga: Practice & Philosophy.  

When it comes to the idea of Practice, most great traditions tell us we have to walk the road ourselves.  Sure, it may be possible to get some good hints and guidance from teachers but they can’t do the work for us. I read that Arnold Schwarzenegger said nobody ever built muscles by watching him work out. 

Most of us get that we need to practice. The questions then arise: What to practice? How to practice? And, most importantly, Why to practice?  This is where yoga philosophy has something to say. 

Yoga philosophy looks at the biggest questions: Why do yoga?  What is the purpose?  Ancient texts like the Vedas, Upanishads, the yogi’s go-to Patanjali Yoga Sutras and, of course, the Bhagavad Gita all share the ‘why’ in their own way.  These and a mountain of other texts, ancient and modern, delve into the ‘what to practice’ and ‘how to practice’. 

Yoga philosophy is also filled with memorable stories such as from the Ramayana and vivid episodes from various Puranas (ancient texts) such as the story of Virabhadra – the warrior created from a strand of an infuriated Shiva’s hair – and that of Samudra Manthan  (Churning of the Ocean). The morals and messages of these stories along with the unforgettable characters whose namesake poses we practice can be a great source of inspiration.  And, an interesting (even fun?!) practice is an all-the-more sustainable practice!

So practice and philosophy is like one hand washing the other.  Ever try washing with just one hand?

As seekers, we often rush into practice or searching for answers without taking a moment to determine our real question or objective.  

So, instead of the process looking like:

Question / Objective  →  research / practice → answer → review and renew Question / Objective  → continue process…

It looks more like:

(hmmm…this may be a good Rorschach Test – what do you see in the image?)

We run around trying a bunch of techniques, classes, workshops, teacher trainings, buying books, reading a bunch, forgetting most everything we read and studied and…find ourselves back at square one.

Alright, so this brings me back to the title of this piece “don’t study yoga philosophy”?  

Many people ‘study’ in that they try to learn the sanskrit words for nonviolence or memorize sutras or mahavakyas (grand statements) or the various stages of samadhi (enlightenment) etc..  But the question should be, what is our purpose?  If we are trying to become academics, then sure, go ahead and ‘study’. 

But if you are looking for the hand that washes the hand of practice, we need to ‘live’ the yoga philosophy.  Don’t just learn the words or memorize the concepts.  

Make the essence of what the ancients were trying to show us your own. In order to do this, we need to go beyond the words on the page.  We need to connect the philosophy to acts in our everyday life, the struggles we face, the patterns we fall into.

How will you bring yoga philosophy into your life? 

木曜朝 7:00 ~ZOOM オンラインクラス

2021年2月4日から、毎週木曜日の午前7時に新クラスが始まります。マニーシュによる特別なガイド瞑想で、 正しいマインドの持ち方を養うことで、心穏やかに一日をはじめましょう。

Moning Meditation (Maneesh) 木曜朝7:00- (45min)

Start your day off right by soothing the mind with a guided meditation. Great for office workers. All levels.



予約したクラスの録画リンクをお送りしますので、希望のクラスをメールでご連絡ください (email: [email protected])

The Weather Just Is

*Scroll down for English










The Weather Just Is

‘Ah, the weather is great today’, I hear my friend say as the sun bursts through the light, wispy clouds on this cool, winter morning in Tokyo. 

Tenki ii desu ne” (“the weather is good”), I hear passersby on the streets of Tokyo say as they greet each other with smiles behind their masks and a sparkle in their eyes.

But the weather is just the weather. It is neither good nor bad.  There is no judgement in the weather. It just is.

The judgement is within us. 

We can see a cloudy, rainy day as tenki ga warui, miserable weather Or, 

We can receive it as calming, soothing, cleansing and rejuvenating.  The perfect time to slow down and let the mental chatter subside.

We can see snow as an unwelcome inconvenience to our regular schedules, delaying our trains and buses, and slowing down our drive Or, 

We can open our hearts to this marvel of nature, a unique, beautifully intricate yet fragile and fleeting existence. 

The weather just is. Life just is. Maybe we can learn a lesson from them.






























7つのセルフケアのうち、自分が実践できそうなものを “冬のルーティン”として1日の中で実践する時間をつくりましょう。自分をケアする習慣をもつことで、意識が自分に向きます。そうすると、ちょっとした不調や前兆に早めに気づくことができ、セルフコントロールできる力が高まるのです。






*1 Ellen F. Foxman, “Temperature-dependent innate defense against the common cold virus limits viral replication at warm temperature in mouse airway cells”  Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,112(3),827-32,2015

*2 久留米大学がんワクチンセンターサイト「週刊がんを生きよう第1部」 第35回目がんと睡眠と免疫機能について

12月月曜・火曜・木曜18:30~  ZOOM オンラインクラス

12月の夜クラス テーマ




マントラのリクエストにお応えして、火曜日の夜クラスはマントラをベースに行います。 12月は、Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinahaを学び、練習し、洗練していきます。マニーシュの動画をご覧ください。





  • 100クラス以上が見放題!
    • ストレッチとリバランス(36本 x 45&30分)
    • ストロングフローと Wake-up ヨガ (36本 x 90 & 45min)
    • マインドフルネス、瞑想、チャンティング、呼吸法 (36本 x 75 & 45分)
  • 2020年12月31日まで好きなクラスを好きなだけご覧いただけます。
  • 金額:5,000円(税込)



予約したクラスの録画リンクをお送りしますので、希望のクラスをメールでご連絡ください (email: [email protected])

11月月曜・火曜・木曜18:30~  ZOOM オンラインクラス

11月の夜クラス テーマ


寒くなるにつれて、私たちは腰をかがめ、背中を丸めて肩を落とす傾向があります。そうすると、呼吸が制限され消化器やその他の臓器の活動が妨げられます。 さあ体の前面を開いていきましょう!11月より45分間のクラスになります!


マントラのリクエストにお応えして、火曜日の夜クラスはマントラをベースに行います。 11月は、パタンジャリへのマントラを学び、練習し、洗練していきます。マニーシュの動画をご覧ください。


11月はスペシャルキャンペーン開催 – 以下をご覧ください

木曜夜クラス スペシャルキャンペーン


11/5 クラス: 2,000円オフ (3,000円–>1,000円) [クーポンコード: CNDLE1000]

4回パス: 2,000円オフ (11,500円 –> 9,500円) [クーポンコード: CNDLEP11]



予約したクラスの録画リンクをお送りしますので、希望のクラスをメールでご連絡ください (email: [email protected])

Class Themes for November

Mondays 18:30-19:15*  Gentle Backbending / Opening the Front Body**
As the days get colder, we tend to hunch over, round the back and drop the shoulders in.  This restricts breathing and hampers digestive and other organs.  Time to open up!
*Note: now 45min class!
**4-part series. Join one class or join all!

Tuesdays 18:30-19:15  Mantra chanting to Patanjali**
Thanks to your request for mantras, we will continue to make Tuesday a mantra-based meditation class.  This month we will learn, practice and refine a famous invocation to Patanjali (see video below)
**4-part series. Join one class or join all!

Thursdays 18:30-19:45  Tratak: Candle Meditation & Pranayama**  SPECIAL THURSDAY CAMPAIGN
In our 75mn slow flow, pranayama, and meditation class, we will work on preparing the eyes, body, breath and mind to experience  a deeper candle meditation
**4-part series. Join one class or join all!

Special Thursday Evening Campaign

You are invited to this very special month of Candle Meditation:

  • 11/5 Class: save 2,000yen (3,000yen–>1,000yen) [use coupon code: CNDLE1000]
  • 4-Class passsave 2,000yen (11,500yen –> 9,500yen) [use coupon code: CNDLEP11]

*Use one or both coupons!