Posts In: 効果・効能


10月月曜・火曜18:30~  ZOOM オンラインクラス




秋はメンタルと身体がアクティブであり続け、ヨガのプラクティスを継続し、ポジティブであり続けることがとても大切な時期です。 冷えて、日が短くても気持ちを前向きに持ち続けること。そしてさらに寒く乾燥した冬に備えて心と体を準備するためにしっかりと準備をしていきましょう

月曜日 18:30-19:00

10/5 – 消化のためのツイスト
10/12 – グラウンディング: 足 & 足首
10/19 – グラウンディング: 脚全体
10/26 – 体の側面を開く

火曜日 18:30-19:15
マインドフルネス & メディテーション

10/6 – 呼吸 & マントラ for Bliss
10/13 – 呼吸 & マントラ for Power
10/20 – 呼吸 & マントラ for Clarity
10/27 – 呼吸 & マントラ for Peace

最新のクラスの情報はATHA YOGA公式SNSまたは、メールでお知らせしています。ぜひご登録くください

Autumn Yoga:
Stretches & Mantra
for Immunity, Grounding & Peace

To help you prepare for autumn, we are offering special classes for Immunity, Grounding & Peace on Monday and Tuesday evenings

18:30-19:00 JST Stress Release

10/5 – twists for good digestion
10/12 – grounding: feet & ankles
10/19 – grounding: legs
10/26 – opening the side body

18:30-19:15 JST Mantra & Meditation

10/6 – Breathing & Mantra for Bliss
10/13 – Breathing & Mantra for Power
10/20 – Breathing & Mantra for Clarity
10/27 – Breathing & Mantra for Peace


ひんやりとした爽やかさが、私たちに降り注いでくるようになりました。 いつもならこの時期は、週末の旅行やヨガのリトリートで長野や新潟などの美しい自然へ行くプランを立てるのに忙しい時期です。 でも今年は状況が一変し、世界が厳しい冬に備える中で、私たちの計画も保留を余儀なくされました。

秋はメンタルと身体がアクティブであり続け、ヨガのプラクティスを継続し、ポジティブであり続けることがとても大切な時期です。 冷えて、日が短くても気持ちをダウンさせてはいけません! そしてこれはまた、さらに寒く乾燥した冬に備えて体(そして心)を準備するための時期でもあるのです。

アーユルヴェーダ と 秋

でも心配しないで! インドの古代医学であるアーユルヴェーダとヨガがサポートしてくれます! アーユルヴェーダは食事やマッサージなどを通して、ヨガはアーサナ、プラナヤマ(呼吸法)、瞑想のテクニックを通じて肉体的および精神的な強さを生み出すのに役立ちます。


  1. 食事の時間を決めるー夏の間は食事をスキップしても平気でも、秋は食事をスキップしてしまうとヴァータ(風)が強まってしまいます。 ですので、食事の時間を決め、昼食を1日のメインの食事にして、夕食は早めにとりましょう。
  2. 温かく栄養のある食べものーサラダなどの生の食べものは夏の暑さの中では健康的ですが、秋にはより暖かく、グラウンディングを感じる食べものにシフトする必要があります。 野菜たっぷりのスープがオススメです。そしてお湯やお茶で水分補給してください。
  3. シンプルなオイルマッサージーヴァータを減らすために、就寝前に自分でできるとても効果的な方法です。 温かいごま油をスプーン1〜2杯取り、足の裏までマッサージし20〜30分待ちます。 その後、足を洗いきれいにします。


  1. 季節に合わせて練習を調整-動きまわる性質のヴァータに対抗するためゆっくり練習してみましょう。 一生懸命動くと汗をかくかもしれません、でも頑張りすぎないように!
  2. しっかりウォームアップー練習を始める前に体をチェックし、不快感やケガをしないために、温かいお風呂やウォームアップなどのルーティンするようにしましょう。
  3. グラウンディングポーズを実践ーvirabhadrasana(戦士のポーズ)、vrikshasana(木のポーズ)、trikonasana(三角のポーズ)など、身体およびマインドがしっかりとグラウンディングするのに役立つポーズを練習しましょう
  4. ツイスト(ねじり)ースタンディング、シッティング、そして横たわったツイストポーズは、神経系からヴァータを取り除くのに最適です。

コロナウィルスとインフルエンザの季節が重なるため、今年は特に注意する必要があります。 免疫力を高め、グラウンディングを維持するための3つのカギは、プラナヤマ(ヨガの呼吸)、マントラ(チャンティング)、ディヤーナ(瞑想)の実践です。



Autumn is Here!
A cool, crispness has begun to descend upon us.  At this time of year, we are usually busy planning weekend getaways and yoga retreats to picturesque spots in Nagano and Niigata.  But of course, with the world preparing for what could be a difficult winter season, we have had to put our plans on hold.

Nevertheless, this is an important time to keep mentally and physically active, continue to practice yoga and stay positive. We can’t let the colder and shorter days bring us down!  This is also a good time to prepare your body (and mind) for the colder, drier months ahead.  

Ayurveda & Autumn
As we move from the pitta (fire) of the summer into vata (wind) of fall & winter, the skin, eyes and hair become dry and itchy while the body becomes cold and more susceptible to illness and pains.

But don’t worry!  Ayurveda, the ancient medicine of India, and Yoga are here to help!  Ayurveda provides us with a host of tools including diet and massage, while Yoga helps us create physical and mental fortitude through asana, pranayama  (breathing practices) and meditation techniques.

Ayurveda Tips for a Healthy Autumn

  1. Regular meal times – although we can skip meals in the summer time and still feel good, in autumn skipping meals aggravates vata (wind).  So stick to regular meal times, make lunch the main meal and eat dinner earlier.
  2. Eat warm, nourishing foods – raw foods such as salads may be healthy in the heat of the summer but come fall, we need to shift to warmer, more grounding foods.  Try hearty soups made with plenty of vegetables and stay hydrated with warm water and teas.
  3. Simple oil massages – a great way to reduce vata is a simple massage you can do at home on your own before bed. Take 1-2 small spoons of warm sesame oil and massage to the soles of your feet. Wait 20-30min. Wash / clean your feet.

Yoga Tips for a Healthy Autumn

  1. Adjust your practice to the season – to counter fast-moving vata look to slow down your practice.  You can still work hard and sweat but don’t overwork!
  2. Warm up well – check-in with your body before you start practicing and consider a hot bath or a warm-up routine to reduce chance of discomfort and injury
  3. Grounding poses – select poses such as virabhadrasana (warrior), vrikshasana (tree), trikonasana (triangle) that help you to ground both physically and mentally.
  4. Twists – standing, sitting or lying down, these poses are great for clearing vata from the nervous system.

Breathing, Mantra & Meditation to Boost Immunity
With COVID and the flu season about to collide, we need to be especially careful this year. Three keys to boosting immunity and staying grounded are pranayama (yogic breathing), mantra (chanting) and dhyana (meditation) practices.







No one loses anyone because no one owns anyone. That is the true experience of freedom: having the most important thing in the world without owning it.

これは『アルケミスト』で有名なブラジル人作家パオロ・コエーリョ(Paulo Coelho)の言葉だ。日本語にすると、






さあこれからは緊急事態宣言が解除された後のアフターコロナのフェイズがやってくる。どんな変化が待っていようとポジティブに対応できるカラダとマインドでいられるよう日々の練習を大事にしていきたい。ビフォーコロナからアフターコロナへ、アパリグラハの精神で執着を捨て、その時その状況にあった本当に必要なものを見きわめてしなやかにライフを楽しむ余裕を持とう。それでこそヨギーだ。 (N.O.)


コロナに負けない食べ物 アーユルヴェーダの教えより

Coronavirus: Ayurvedic Nutrition Tips

文責:(E)Maneesh /(日)Ying

*Scroll down for English














Stay healthy, stay safe, and eat well.

Food is medicine. Or at least it should be.

Ayurveda, the ancient practice of medicine originating in India over 5000 years ago, lays out very specific guidelines according to the individual – their ‘dosha’ (constitution), age, the season, and other factors. However there are a number of foods that are recommended more generally to support optimal health.

Here are a few of the key items that I have daily:

  1. Turmeric & other antioxidants — every morning I take about 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric with black pepper and honey (honey can be substituted with milk). Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, antibiotic, immune system booster. Personally, I source turmeric grown in Yakushima due to the incredibly clean air & water along with energy-rich soil. You can buy it on Amazon!
  2. Almonds — a great source of Vitamin E, calcium, iron and other micro-nutrients. Soak 10-12 almonds overnight, remove peel, and eat (the skin of almonds contain tannin which inhibit nutrient absorption). *Kapha dosha should eat in moderation
  3. Warm lemon and ginger water — just boil fresh a few slices of fresh ginger and fresh lemon (or other citrus peel) & drink. This simple concoction will keep you warm and hydrated throughout the day. Ginger is heating so you may need to reduce or remove if you are pitta dosha, hot, or if the weather is warm. Note that teas and coffees are stimulants which may cause an already anxious mind to become more jittery.

These are just a few simple but powerful examples of how what you eat and drink can be more than just pleasure. They can and should be your natural medicine!

Stay healthy, stay safe, and eat well.







これを機に、必要でなかったもののために消えていくところであったお金をYoga Gives Back(に寄附することにした。日々の無駄遣いの額は大きいものではないが毎日のこととして考えると結構な金額になる。例えば400円のコーヒーを毎日買ったとすると一カ月で12000円。Yoga Gives Backのウェブサイトによると、インドでは100ドルで貧しい孤児2人が施設で生活できるようになり、45ドルで3人の少女が初等教育を受けることができるらしい。2人の孤児に屋根のある眠れる場所と温かい食事を提供できる。例えば、たった毎日のコーヒーに費やすお金を寄附するだけで、だ。同じお金を使うにしても、気晴らしのコーヒーに消えるより未来ある子供たちのために使う方が意味がある。ヨガではawareness:気づくこと・意識することが繰り返し説かれるが、まさに日々当然のように使っているお金も、同じ地球の別の国だったら何が買えてどんなことができるのかを意識してみたら、生活自体が少しずつ変わっていくのではないかと思う。


この制限された生活の中で皆さんはどんなことを考えていますか?どんな気づきがありましたか? (N.O.)



Coronavirus: Tips for Taking Care of Your Body

文責:(E)Maneesh /(日)Ying

photo by Ying

*Scroll down for English


  1. 規則正しく暮らす
  2. エクササイズやヨガの練習を続ける
    スポーツジムやヨガスタジオが閉まっていても、家での運動習慣を続けることはできる。オンラインのエクササイズやヨガクラス、ダンスエクササイズまでもある。ちなみに、ATHA YOGA主催のオンライン・クラスはこちら
  3. 食べ過ぎないこと!


Stay safe, stay vigilant, stay optimistic.

The world has changed in an instant and we all anxiously wait for ‘normality’ to return.

However, there is a lot we can do in the interim to improve our chances of staying healthy and thereby reduce risk to those around us and extra burden to the health system.

Clearly, staying home & isolated is essential. But while at home, it is important to take great care of both your body and mind.

Here are a few things I do everyday to maintain physical health and boost immunity:

  1. Maintain routine — sleep and wake up at around the same times as usual (even if you are not going to the office or morning Mysore practice!!) and don’t forget to make your bed! These seemingly mundane tasks can give us a sense of accomplishment and propel us to take on more tasks throughout the day.
  2. Do regular exercise / yoga asana — while gyms & studios are off limits right now, nothing is stopping you from practicing or exercising at home. There are plenty of online yoga and exercise classes you can join LIVE to keep you inspired and fit while staying at home. (check out our classes here…)
  3. Do NOT overeat — its all too easy to when you’re stuck at home to reach for a treat. But eating out of boredom or stress is hazardous to your health. Eat when your digestive fire, not your tongue, calls you to eat. And avoid junk! It may seem like a good idea at the time but you will pay for it later!

For those of you don’t have healthy routines, now is a great time to start. And for those of you did, keep doing what you do but just do it inside!

Stay safe, stay vigilant, stay optimistic.



Being Alone vs Loneliness


photo by マミ





NPRによると、知らない人とのちょっとした会話が私たちの幸せ度に影響するという。スタバでコーヒーを買う間の店員さんとの会話が、「sense of community」を生み、小さな喜びを石を積み上げ、ひいては1日の幸せな気持ちを形成するの、だと。(参考記事: Want To Feel Happier Today? Try Talking To A Stranger

「sense of community」は、コミュニティに属しているという感覚のこと。人と人が繋がっているという糸は、家族や親友という太い糸もあれば、知り合いという細い糸もある。太い糸は私たちの命綱になるかもしれないが、細い糸が織りなす布もまた私たちを包み込むものになってくれる。





An Introduction to ‘Kapalabhati’ pranayama


*Scroll down for English


そこで、前回ご紹介したTrāṭaka(トラタク)キャンドル瞑想に加えて、私が最近の状況に合わせて、改めて取り入れたプラクティスは Kapalabhati(カパラバティ)です。トラタクと同様に、Shatkriyas(別名Shatkarmas)はハタヨガの6つの浄化の1つです。



フッ! フッ! フッ! フッ! フッ! と連続して強く息を吐く呼吸法であるカパラバティは、ろうそくを吹き消すような短く鋭い呼気と、受動的な吸入を行います。息を吐くときは下腹部(恥骨とへその間)を力強く収縮させて、肺から空気を押し出します。



How to Strengthen Lungs: An Introduction to ‘Kapalabhati’ pranayama

After being stuck indoors for all these days, its not just our bodies and minds but our lungs as well that long for the outdoors. We need air for our lungs to rejoice. And we need our lungs to be strong to deeply breathe in this air that supports every activity in our body from movement and digestion to immunity.

So one of the other practices (in addition to Trāṭaka candle meditation we introduced last week) that I have recently ramped up is “Kapalabhati”. Like Trataka, this is one of the Shatkriyas / Shatkarmas or 6 purifications of Hatha Yoga. It is known to:

  1. cleanse lungs and respiratory system
  2. strengthen & tone the abdominal muscles
  3. energize us! – hence the name “lustrous or shining (bhati) skull (kapala)”

The actions consist of a powerful exhalation – like blowing out the candle after your candle meditation but with your mouth closed – and a passive inhalation.

While on the surface Kapalabhati may seem like a relatively simple practice, it requires a lot of control and refinement. So like any of the great yoga practices, it is important to learn this technique under the guidance of an experienced teacher and then practice, practice, practice!

Kapalabhati is one of those amazing high return practices that requires only a few minutes but benefits us the whole day. So the next time you are feeling a little down or low energy, think about adding this traditional breathing practice to your daily regime.


‘Trāṭaka’: Candle Meditation to De-stress



*Scroll down for English



Trāṭakaは通常、キャンドルを凝視して行いますが、時には偶像や写真を用いることもあります。単一の点に焦点を合わせると「アジュナチャクラ」(第三の目)がアクティブになり、結果として認知での多くの効果がもたらされます。 また、「Trāṭakaは高齢者の認知を高めるための手法として使用できる」という研究結果もあります。




Coronavirus, uncertainty, and self-isolation have inspired me to rediscover and re-explore my yoga practice in a new way. One practice I reinserted into my daily regimen is Trāṭaka, one of Shatkriyas.

In traditional Hatha yoga, we are introduced to the concept of Shatkriyas (aka Shatkarmas) or six purification techniques. These techniques are said to cleanse various parts of the body like the sinuses (‘neti’ nasal cleaning), digestive tract (‘dhauti’), etc. Trāṭaka is one such kriya that not only cleanses the eyes but is a powerful meditation technique to reduce anxiety and normalize sleep.

Trāṭaka typically involves focusing one’s gaze on a candle however the object of focus could be an idol, picture, etc. Yogis believe that focusing on a single point activates the ‘ajna chakra’ (‘third-eye’) and results in a multitude of cognitive benefits. Research published at NCBI (NIH) concluded that “Trāṭaka can be used as a technique to enhance cognition in the elderly”.

What I realized in going back to this practice is that I had been unknowingly storing a lot of stress in my eyes – all that staring at screens during isolation and being ultra-sensitive whenever I left my apartment had taken its toll. And I think that this is even more true for those who tend not to cry very often (whether for joy or pain). Tears are cleansing.

So try adding a brief Trāṭaka (candle meditation) to your daily self-isolation routine and sleep and feel better. Thank you ancient Yogis!

Take care, stay calm, and stay vigilant yet optimistic. We will get through this together.



Coronavirus: Tips for Maintaining Mental Health


photo by Ying

*Scroll down for English



  1. シンプルな呼吸法の練習
    1日5分でもいい。朝でもいいし、1日数回でもいい。静かに座り、自分の呼吸に耳を傾け、心地よさを深める呼吸をする。4カウントで吸って吐くことを繰り返す均等な呼吸(sama vritti)はとてもシンプルだが、心の安定を誘う練習だ。
  2. シンプル・メディテーション
  3. サウンド/マントラ


Stay safe, stay healthy, and keep smiling.

The world has changed in an instant and we all anxiously wait for ‘normality’ to return.

However, there is a lot we can do in the interim to improve our chances of staying healthy and thereby reducing risk to those around us and to the health system.

Clearly, thorough and frequent hand washing along with social distancing (reducing contact with others especially large crowds) are essential. Also important is self-care of both your body and mind.

It is equally important to take care of the mind. The uncertainty surrounding this virus creates anxiety and fear. And these emotions put strain on the immune system at a time when we need to be at our strongest.

Here’s what I do to maintain mental equilibrium:

  1. simple breathing practice — take even just 5 minutes every morning (or several times a day) to sit quietly, observe your breath, and deepen it comfortably. ‘sama vritti’ (‘even waves’ of inhalation & exhalation) is a simple but effective practice.
  2. simple meditation — again take even just a few minutes every morning (or several times a day) to sit quietly and observe your mind. You can do this before and after your breathing exercises.
  3. sound / mantra — sound vibrations can be extremely calming. If you have a mantra you like to chant, use it as a practice. Or listen to sounds/music that has a calming or uplifting effect.

Do the simplest things to take care of yourself. And in that way, you will be in a much better position to care for others.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and keep smiling.