2020-04-04【SEEDS of YOGA】
生と死とその間 / Life, Death, and Everything in Between

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哲学というものは小難しく、とっつきにくいものだ。ヨガ哲学で語られる非二元論(advaita vedanta)や、ラーマーヤナやヴァガバッドギータの神話の数々は、私たちの日常からは遠い存在に思われる。
「tada drashtuh svarupe avasthanam」
〜パタンジャリ ヨガ スートラ1.3

Philosophy often sounds like a far away, difficult subject to grasp. However the truth is, it is especially relevant in uncertain times like these. With Coronavirus devastating so many lives and turning all that we thought normal onto its head, it is crucial that we think about and speak with loved ones on topics of life, death and everything in between. And yoga is here to help with that.
During an intro yoga philosophy course I gave in Osaka recently, the participants really got that yoga is ultimately an inquiry into ourselves and the life we lead, an inquiry that leads to a more conscious approach to life.
They got that philosophy can be a frank and open discussion about some of the most important things in life like life itself, how we should live it, how to handle and view ups and downs such as seeming successes and failures, sickness and health, and the inevitability of old age and death.
They got that these discussions are something we should all be having with our family and friends; the irony being that the two places we entrust to educate us the most – the school and the home – are the very two places that we rarely hear these conversations.
And they got that yoga is not necessarily saying we have to agree with or believe in concepts like ‘advaita vedanta’ (non-dualism) or the myths and stories like the Ramayana, Bhagavad Gita, or the Upanishads.
Yoga is only encouraging us to have the conversation, to question the reasons for why we do the things we do, and to allow these actions to help us take a more conscious approach to living.
If you are not having these conversations, what are you waiting for? Pick up the phone, call your friends and family and have a heart-to-heart on life, death and everything in between.
‘tada drashtuh svarupe avasthanam’
(Then, the witness abides in the True Self.)
~Patanjali Yoga Sutras 1.3