Posts In: mindfulness

Coming Home: 3 Simple Steps

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apne ghar vich aa, e gal asli aa

dhoondan kite na jaa, e gal asli aa



母が先日、このパンジャビのバジャン(bhajan 祈りの歌)を私にシェアしてくれました。 それは何世代にもわたって受け継がれ、私たちがヨガ(そして人生)の実践で探求している本質を捉えています:それは本物で永続的な平和の感覚を見つけることです。

ヨガのクラスでは、「観察する」、「沈黙を味わう」、「paramātma(普遍的な魂)がjivātma(個人の魂)を見る」などの言葉を使用します。 しかし、皆さんの心に響く表現は「Homeに戻る」でしょう。

Homeは安全で守られ安定している場所や空間です。 そして避難所であり聖域です。 Homeは暖かさに包まれ、この上なく幸せが満たされていると感じます。 そして本物のHomeでは、保護されると同時に自由であると感じます。 間違った方向に進まないように守っていますが、やりたいことを自由にでき、自分らしくいることができるところです。



–> ‘Homeに戻る’ 3つのシンプルなステップ —



  1. DehaDhāraṇā(体の集中)


・頭のてっぺんからつま先の先までゆっくりと体をスキャンします。 もし集中の助けになるようなら、右小指の先端に注意を向けるくらい意識を研ぎ澄ませてみましょう。

  1. PrāṇaDhāraṇā(生命力/呼吸に集中)



  1. 今ここにいること




Happy Holidays


Coming Home: 3 Simple Steps

apne ghar vich aa, e gal asli aa

dhoondan kite na jaa, e gal asli aa

Come inside your Home, this is the real thing.

Don’t go searching outside, this is the real thing.

My Mother shared this Punjabi bhajan (devotional song) with me the other day. It has been passed down for generations and captures the essence of what we are trying to do with our yoga (and life) practice: find a real and lasting sense of peace.

In yoga class, we use words such as ‘observe’, ‘savor the silence’, ‘the paramātma (universal soul) watches the jivātma (individual soul)’. But the expression that has really resonated with students is ‘Coming Home’. 

Home is the place, the space where you are safe, secure and steady.  It is a refuge, a sanctuary. At Home, you feel blanketed with warmth and blissfully nourished. And in a true Home you feel protected and free. Protected from the forces that pull you in the wrong direction yet free to do and say what you want and to be yourself.

Here’s the thing we often forget though – Home is with you whenever, wherever, whatever. 

Just close your eyes and let yourself be Here, at Home.

It sounds easy and it can be, the yogis assure us.  But we often need a bit of support in this pursuit.  So here are 3 simple steps to bring yourself Home:

  1. Deha Dhāraṇā (body concentration)
    • Shift your awareness from the outer world to the inner by focusing on the physical vessel you’ve been given  
    • Slowly scan the body from the top of the head through to the tips of the toes. If it helps you to go in, get as detailed as bringing attention to the tip of your right pinky finger.
  2. Prāṇa Dhāraṇā (life force / breath concentration)
    • Now shift your awareness from your gross body to your more subtle breath
    • Just rest your attention on the breath as it moves naturally and effortlessly – this may seem like an easy and boring activity but once the process takes hold, you will experience a softness and a profound unwinding
  3. Be Present
    • And finally, let your awareness rest in the moment
    • There’s nowhere to go. There’s nothing to do. There’s no one to be.

This Christmas and New Year’s o-shogatsu Holiday season, we may not be able to go to our physical homes to visit family and friends but we can surely be at Home inside ourselves.

Happy Holidays


Covid Fatigue and Mindfulness

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今年はとてもゆっくりと過ぎていくように感じます – 3月と4月にトイレットペーパーとマスクを探し回っていたあの日々、覚えていますか?それから夏が来て、少しずつ外に出て、慎重にすごしながらも、旅行したり友達に会うことを再開しました。やがて、突然夏が明けて、年末になった気がします。ハロー12月!

暖かい室内で年末年始の計画について考えるとき、Covidに関わる現象で最近よく耳にする「コロナ疲れ(Covid fatigue)」に注意することが大切です。そうですよね、確かに私たちは皆、仕事に行き、大切な人に会い、お気に入りのレストランで食事を楽しむことを自粛し、恐れを抱くことにうんざりしてきています。








Covid Fatigue and Mindfulness

What a year!…

At times, it seemed to go by so slowly – remember those days of hoarding toilet paper and masks back in March and April?  Then the summer came and we started to go outside more and, albeit carefully, to travel and meet friends.  Then suddenly, as we came out of summer, it feels as though we’ve shot right to year end.  Hello December!

As we huddle indoors to stay warm and ponder our holiday season travels, it’s important to be mindful of the latest Covid phenomenon to come to light – “Covid fatigue”. Yes indeed, we are all tired of being anxious and scared to go to work, see loved ones, and enjoy our favorite restaurants. 

We want to ditch our masks for the freedom of once again sucking air directly into our lungs and to once again share in each other’s smiles.  

And we want to hug and touch, enjoy the gym and practice yoga together. We miss our adjustments!  We miss sharing the energy of each other’s physical presence!

But just because we are tired and just because we tried to do the ‘right things’ these past eight months or so, doesn’t mean we can throw that all away.  

We still need to make mindful decisions.  We still need to evaluate the information out there and around us, and not bias our response by the work we’ve done these past many months.  In fact, more than ever, as we head into the holiday season, we need to look more into the present moment, be mindful that we are prone to erring on the side of less caution and make informed decisions that ultimately we and those around us, will have to live with.

It’s not easy.  And no one wishes this to be the case. But even in these times, there is something to learn.  Perhaps especially in these times, we have something to learn.  If we can be mindful of our ‘Covid fatigue’ and the loneliness and fear we still hold, then we can probably be mindful no matter what comes our way.

T’is the Season to be Mindful.  Let’s help each other out.  Let’s help each other stay present. And let’s get through this, stronger, closer and more mindful together. (11/2020)




Being Alone vs Loneliness


photo by マミ





NPRによると、知らない人とのちょっとした会話が私たちの幸せ度に影響するという。スタバでコーヒーを買う間の店員さんとの会話が、「sense of community」を生み、小さな喜びを石を積み上げ、ひいては1日の幸せな気持ちを形成するの、だと。(参考記事: Want To Feel Happier Today? Try Talking To A Stranger

「sense of community」は、コミュニティに属しているという感覚のこと。人と人が繋がっているという糸は、家族や親友という太い糸もあれば、知り合いという細い糸もある。太い糸は私たちの命綱になるかもしれないが、細い糸が織りなす布もまた私たちを包み込むものになってくれる。





‘Trāṭaka’: Candle Meditation to De-stress



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Trāṭakaは通常、キャンドルを凝視して行いますが、時には偶像や写真を用いることもあります。単一の点に焦点を合わせると「アジュナチャクラ」(第三の目)がアクティブになり、結果として認知での多くの効果がもたらされます。 また、「Trāṭakaは高齢者の認知を高めるための手法として使用できる」という研究結果もあります。




Coronavirus, uncertainty, and self-isolation have inspired me to rediscover and re-explore my yoga practice in a new way. One practice I reinserted into my daily regimen is Trāṭaka, one of Shatkriyas.

In traditional Hatha yoga, we are introduced to the concept of Shatkriyas (aka Shatkarmas) or six purification techniques. These techniques are said to cleanse various parts of the body like the sinuses (‘neti’ nasal cleaning), digestive tract (‘dhauti’), etc. Trāṭaka is one such kriya that not only cleanses the eyes but is a powerful meditation technique to reduce anxiety and normalize sleep.

Trāṭaka typically involves focusing one’s gaze on a candle however the object of focus could be an idol, picture, etc. Yogis believe that focusing on a single point activates the ‘ajna chakra’ (‘third-eye’) and results in a multitude of cognitive benefits. Research published at NCBI (NIH) concluded that “Trāṭaka can be used as a technique to enhance cognition in the elderly”.

What I realized in going back to this practice is that I had been unknowingly storing a lot of stress in my eyes – all that staring at screens during isolation and being ultra-sensitive whenever I left my apartment had taken its toll. And I think that this is even more true for those who tend not to cry very often (whether for joy or pain). Tears are cleansing.

So try adding a brief Trāṭaka (candle meditation) to your daily self-isolation routine and sleep and feel better. Thank you ancient Yogis!

Take care, stay calm, and stay vigilant yet optimistic. We will get through this together.



Coronavirus: Tips for Maintaining Mental Health


photo by Ying

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  1. シンプルな呼吸法の練習
    1日5分でもいい。朝でもいいし、1日数回でもいい。静かに座り、自分の呼吸に耳を傾け、心地よさを深める呼吸をする。4カウントで吸って吐くことを繰り返す均等な呼吸(sama vritti)はとてもシンプルだが、心の安定を誘う練習だ。
  2. シンプル・メディテーション
  3. サウンド/マントラ


Stay safe, stay healthy, and keep smiling.

The world has changed in an instant and we all anxiously wait for ‘normality’ to return.

However, there is a lot we can do in the interim to improve our chances of staying healthy and thereby reducing risk to those around us and to the health system.

Clearly, thorough and frequent hand washing along with social distancing (reducing contact with others especially large crowds) are essential. Also important is self-care of both your body and mind.

It is equally important to take care of the mind. The uncertainty surrounding this virus creates anxiety and fear. And these emotions put strain on the immune system at a time when we need to be at our strongest.

Here’s what I do to maintain mental equilibrium:

  1. simple breathing practice — take even just 5 minutes every morning (or several times a day) to sit quietly, observe your breath, and deepen it comfortably. ‘sama vritti’ (‘even waves’ of inhalation & exhalation) is a simple but effective practice.
  2. simple meditation — again take even just a few minutes every morning (or several times a day) to sit quietly and observe your mind. You can do this before and after your breathing exercises.
  3. sound / mantra — sound vibrations can be extremely calming. If you have a mantra you like to chant, use it as a practice. Or listen to sounds/music that has a calming or uplifting effect.

Do the simplest things to take care of yourself. And in that way, you will be in a much better position to care for others.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and keep smiling.