Don’t Study Yoga Philosophy!

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疑問・目的 → 調査・実践 → 回答 → レビューと次の疑問・目的 → そしてプロセスが続いていきます…


Don’t Study Yoga Philosophy!

I get a lot of questions from students and friends asking if studying yoga philosophy is important. As for most things, the first question I ask is “why”?
Let’s take a moment to look at the two major components of yoga: Practice & Philosophy.
When it comes to the idea of Practice, most great traditions tell us we have to walk the road ourselves. Sure, it may be possible to get some good hints and guidance from teachers but they can’t do the work for us. I read that Arnold Schwarzenegger said nobody ever built muscles by watching him work out.
Most of us get that we need to practice. The questions then arise: What to practice? How to practice? And, most importantly, Why to practice? This is where yoga philosophy has something to say.
Yoga philosophy looks at the biggest questions: Why do yoga? What is the purpose? Ancient texts like the Vedas, Upanishads, the yogi’s go-to Patanjali Yoga Sutras and, of course, the Bhagavad Gita all share the ‘why’ in their own way. These and a mountain of other texts, ancient and modern, delve into the ‘what to practice’ and ‘how to practice’.
Yoga philosophy is also filled with memorable stories such as from the Ramayana and vivid episodes from various Puranas (ancient texts) such as the story of Virabhadra – the warrior created from a strand of an infuriated Shiva’s hair – and that of Samudra Manthan (Churning of the Ocean). The morals and messages of these stories along with the unforgettable characters whose namesake poses we practice can be a great source of inspiration. And, an interesting (even fun?!) practice is an all-the-more sustainable practice!
So practice and philosophy is like one hand washing the other. Ever try washing with just one hand?

As seekers, we often rush into practice or searching for answers without taking a moment to determine our real question or objective.
So, instead of the process looking like:
Question / Objective → research / practice → answer → review and renew Question / Objective → continue process…

It looks more like:

(hmmm…this may be a good Rorschach Test – what do you see in the image?)
We run around trying a bunch of techniques, classes, workshops, teacher trainings, buying books, reading a bunch, forgetting most everything we read and studied and…find ourselves back at square one.
Alright, so this brings me back to the title of this piece “don’t study yoga philosophy”?
Many people ‘study’ in that they try to learn the sanskrit words for nonviolence or memorize sutras or mahavakyas (grand statements) or the various stages of samadhi (enlightenment) etc.. But the question should be, what is our purpose? If we are trying to become academics, then sure, go ahead and ‘study’.
But if you are looking for the hand that washes the hand of practice, we need to ‘live’ the yoga philosophy. Don’t just learn the words or memorize the concepts.
Make the essence of what the ancients were trying to show us your own. In order to do this, we need to go beyond the words on the page. We need to connect the philosophy to acts in our everyday life, the struggles we face, the patterns we fall into.
How will you bring yoga philosophy into your life?