‘Trāṭaka’: Candle Meditation to De-stress

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Trāṭakaは通常、キャンドルを凝視して行いますが、時には偶像や写真を用いることもあります。単一の点に焦点を合わせると「アジュナチャクラ」(第三の目)がアクティブになり、結果として認知での多くの効果がもたらされます。 また、「Trāṭakaは高齢者の認知を高めるための手法として使用できる」という研究結果もあります。
Coronavirus, uncertainty, and self-isolation have inspired me to rediscover and re-explore my yoga practice in a new way. One practice I reinserted into my daily regimen is Trāṭaka, one of Shatkriyas.
In traditional Hatha yoga, we are introduced to the concept of Shatkriyas (aka Shatkarmas) or six purification techniques. These techniques are said to cleanse various parts of the body like the sinuses (‘neti’ nasal cleaning), digestive tract (‘dhauti’), etc. Trāṭaka is one such kriya that not only cleanses the eyes but is a powerful meditation technique to reduce anxiety and normalize sleep.
Trāṭaka typically involves focusing one’s gaze on a candle however the object of focus could be an idol, picture, etc. Yogis believe that focusing on a single point activates the ‘ajna chakra’ (‘third-eye’) and results in a multitude of cognitive benefits. Research published at NCBI (NIH) concluded that “Trāṭaka can be used as a technique to enhance cognition in the elderly”.
What I realized in going back to this practice is that I had been unknowingly storing a lot of stress in my eyes – all that staring at screens during isolation and being ultra-sensitive whenever I left my apartment had taken its toll. And I think that this is even more true for those who tend not to cry very often (whether for joy or pain). Tears are cleansing.
So try adding a brief Trāṭaka (candle meditation) to your daily self-isolation routine and sleep and feel better. Thank you ancient Yogis!
Take care, stay calm, and stay vigilant yet optimistic. We will get through this together.