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愛する人の死や仕事のストレス、世界的なパンデミックや地震などの自然災害が原因で、日常生活や予定していた計画が突然中断してしまうような時、私たちにできる事はあまりないかもしれません。(実際にはあるのですが、それはまた別の機会に!) しかし、自分の持つ思考のクセを知り、どのような視点で物事を捉えるべきかを正しく理解する事ができると、打つ手はいくらでも考えられるのです。
- まず、自分が今何を感じているのかを認めて、受け入れてみてください。
- その状態を「ネガティブ」とラベリングしていることも認識しておきましょう。それはそれでいいのです。 雲が太陽の光を遮っているのならば、その中でいったん休息を取ってから歩き出せばいいのですから。目の前の問題をすぐに解決しようとせずに、その雲の持つ目的や美しさの中に立ち止まり、自分に起きた物語を振り返ってみましょう。
- 長時間ネットサーフィンをし続けていませんか?インターネットは私たちに興味をそそるものを無限に与え続けるため、明確な目的もないままに驚くほど長い時間をそこで費やしてしまいがちです。その事に気がついたら、まず目を閉じて何度か深呼吸をします。そしてそこから完全に離れたら、自分を助けてくれるもの、癒してくれるものに意識を移してみましょう。 好きな音楽を聴くだけでもきっと安らかな気分を感じることができるはずです。
- 立ち上がって体を動かしてみましょう!いつもより少しだけ大きく腕を振って散歩に出掛けてみるのもいいですね。沈んだ気持ちや、心の声のループを断ち切るコツは、まずは小さな一歩からで十分。偶然やってきたかのように思える晴れやかな気分や幸運は、あなたの主体的な力(行動)が手に入れたものです!
- 自分が感じていることを素直に伝えられる人との繋がりを大切に。良い時もそうでない時も側にいてくれる友人との時間に優るものはありません。ディオンヌ・ワーウィックとスティービー・ワンダーが歌った不朽の名曲「That’s what friends are for」のように

Good Days & Bad Days

We’ve all experienced the good day-bad day phenomenon. I’m talking about when one day all seems fine and suddenly the next, even though nothing appreciable has changed, something seems off.
Where does that come from? Have you ever tried to isolate the factors that may have caused this change?
“Was it something I ate? The time I slept? Perhaps the last conversation I had or that gut-wrenching movie I watched just before bed?”
Or perhaps it is an old narrative that keeps resurfacing – feelings of inadequacy, insecurity or guilt – triggered by being in a certain environment or with certain people?

We all invariably experience these relatively ‘unprovoked’ bad days and changes but when you really think about it, the only thing that has really changed is our mind. Sure, call it perspective or how we look at life, but essentially only something inside of us has shifted. And knowing this truth is powerful!
When things outside shift around – loved ones get sick or pass away; job stresses become overwhelming; pandemics, earthquakes or other calamities bring our daily lives and plans to an abrupt halt – there may not be a lot we can do (actually there is, but we can get to that another day).
However, when the shift is inside of us and we recognize that, the solution is firmly in our hands.
First, the very realization that the shift was just inside of us, changes how we feel. It sounds ridiculously simple but it’s true. Just ask Schrodinger- the very act of observing and recognizing something changes its nature!
Next, by understanding the source (i.e. our mind), we can take advantage of some techniques targeted directly at this source:
- Acknowledge and accept that you are feeling whatever you are feeling
- Recognize that you are labeling the experience as ‘negative’ whereas there is no need to add a judgement. It is what it is. Clouds are not negative just because they block the sunshine. They have purpose and beauty in their own right.
- Notice the ‘negative loop’ you unconsciously create by following the rabbit down the rabbit hole and STOP. Take a few deep breaths and shift your focus to something that helps or soothes you. Cranking up some favorite tunes may be the best medicine.
- Move! Get some exercise. Go for a walk. Negativity and the negative mental chatter loop thrive when we are sedentary and being lazy. So get up and move around!
- Connect with people you can talk to about what you are feeling or even just talk about topics that bring you back in line with a healthy perspective. In the immortal words sung by Dionne Warwick, “That’s what friends are for”.
To encourage more good days, make a conscious effort to keep the right company. As social animals so dependent and influenced by others, the more positive and supportive the environment, the easier it is for us to stay in a good place.

And finally, practices like meditation and yoga are great ways to create stability and steadfastness inside ourselves so that regardless of the environment, we are better able to stay in this good place.
But we are human after all and we all fall from time to time. If these bad day feelings persist and / or interfere with your life, seeking out the help of wonderful professionals may be the way to go.
Eventually, we may be able to go beyond having so-called ‘good’ days and ‘bad’ days and instead see them all simply as special moments to explore.