The Philosopher King & the Sage with “8 Bends”

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昔、ジャナカという有名な王がいた。 彼は慈悲深い王で、力がありながらも愛にあふれている王だった。 彼は、スピリチュアルなことに深い関心を持っていたので、「哲学者の王」とも呼ばれていた。
「王様、起きてください!起きて! 敵の王とその兵士が王国に侵入しました! 今にも王宮の門を破ってくるでしょう、逃げてください!」
一刻の猶予もなく、秘密の通路から逃げ出したジャナカは、迫り来る敵兵から離れてジャングルの奥深くまで全力で走った。 走りに走って、気がつくと食料も水も金もない異国の地にいた。
疲れ果て、飢えと渇きに襲われていた彼は、ジャングルの中に小さな村があるのを見つけた。 裕福な人が貧しい人たちに食べ物や水を配っていたので、ジャナカは必死になって列に加わった。何時間も待った後、やっと列の先頭にたどり着いたが、「もう食べ物はありません」と言われてしまった。
空腹に耐えられず、その場を立ち去ろうとすると、店員が鍋の底を削り、残った部分をバナナの葉に乗せて、ジャナカに差し出した。 そして彼は、自分が不幸で悲惨な状況に置かれているにもかかわらず、このわずかな残飯を手に入れたことに喜びを感じていた。
その時、ジャナカは気がついた。 敵に襲われたことも、ジャングルに逃げ込んだことも、飢えや苦しみも、わずかな残飯やイノシシも、すべては夢だったのだ。全部、夢だったのだ。
しかし、彼はそれがすべて現実だという感覚を拭い去ることができなかった。 何しろ、現実味を帯びていたのだ。襲われるという恐怖を感じた。飢えと渇きを感じ、村を見つけて安堵した。食べ物がないことを知ったときの悲しみ、給仕が食べ残しを見つけてくれたときの喜び、そしてイノシシに唯一の糧を奪われたときの失望と苦悩まで現実そのものだった。
「私は自分が乞食であることを夢見た王なのか? それとも、自分が王であることを夢見た乞食なのか?」
アシュタバクラは尋ねた。「全てはここにありますか? 飢え、渇き、恐れは? ないでしょう!」
しかし、アシュタバクラはさらにこう言いました。「そうはいかないよ、ジャナカ王。あなたが逃げ回っているとき、空腹と渇きと恐怖を感じていたとき、あなたの王宮はあなたと一緒でしたか? 衛兵はいましたか? 金や豪華な服を身につけていましたか? 違うでしょう!」
「あの時も今も、そこにもここにも存在しているもの、それが現実なのです。そして、それは何なのか? Tat Tvam Asi! 梵我一如です! あなたがジャングルに逃げ込んだとき、イノシシがあなたの食べ物をこぼしたとき、あなたはそこにいませんでしたか? そして、あなたはここで派手な服を着て、豪華な宮殿で快適に安心して過ごしているのではないでしょうか?」
The Philosopher King & the Sage with “8 Bends”
There once was a King named Janaka. He was a beloved king, powerful yet benevolent. He was also known as the “ Philosopher King” for he had a deep interest in spiritual matters.
It so happened that one night after Janaka went off to sleep, he was suddenly awakened by his security guard…
“My King, wake up, wake up! The enemy king and his soldiers have invaded the kingdom! They will breach the gates at the royal palace any moment now, You must flee!”
Without a moment to spare, Janaka escaped out of a secret passage and ran as fast as he could deep into the jungle and far from the enemy soldiers closing in. He ran and ran and, before he realized it, found himself in a foreign land without food, water or gold.
He was exhausted, starving and thirsty when he came upon a clearing in the jungle where stood a tiny village. A wealthy man was handing out food and water to the poor and so, desperate and without any other options, Janaka joined the queue. After waiting for what seemed like an eternity , he finally reached the front of the line… only to be told that there was no food left.
Heartbroken and hunger-struck, he was about to turn away when the server scraped the bottom of the pot, put the remaining bits on a banana leaf and offered it to Janaka. He was elated even to have these measly scraps given his unfortunate and dire situation.
Janaka sat down to finally put some food in his hunger-pained belly when suddenly two wild boars burst into the clearing and in their chasing and fighting stomped on Janaka’s food, spilling it onto the ground.
He couldn’t take it any more. Janaka fell to the ground and began to cry.
“Oh Lord, why have you forsaken me?”
Janaka then opened his eyes to find he was back in his bed at the royal palace with his loyal guard at his bedside.
“What is wrong, my King?”
At that moment, it dawned upon Janaka. It was all a dream – the enemy attack, escaping into the jungle, the hunger and pain, the measly scraps and the wild boars. All of it, a dream.
But he could not shake the feeling that it was all so real. After all, it felt real. He felt the fear of being attacked. He felt the hunger and thirst and then the relief after finding the village. He felt the sorrow after finding out there was no food, the joy when the server found him some scraps and again disappointment and distress when the boars ruined his only chance at sustenance.
The King became engrossed in the thought: “Is this real or is that?”
“Am I a King who dreamt he was a beggar? Or am I a beggar who dreams he is a King?
Day in, day out, Janaka was fixated on this question. He could not eat or sleep or carry out the duties of a King. His family and friends were all worried for their dear, once powerful and revered King.
Janaka posed the question ‘is this real or is that?’ to all of his spiritual advisors and accomplished scholars but none could answer to his satisfaction.
Then one day, as fate would have it, the boy Sage with the 8 bends, Ashtavakra, came to visit the King’s court.
Again Janaka posed the question: ‘is this real or is that?’
Ashtavakra replied: “that which is real is unchanging and ever-present”.
Janaka wanted confirmation. “When I was on the run, I could feel hunger, I could feel thirst; I was fearful for my life. It all felt so real”.
Ashtavakra inquired: “Are those all here now? That hunger, thirst and fear? No!
Janaka was relieved “Ah, so that was not real! Thank the Gods, I am a King. This is real!”
But Ashtavakra had more to say on this: “Not so fast, King Janaka. When you were on the run, feeling hungry, thirsty and scared, was your royal palace with you? Was your guard there? Was your gold and your fancy clothes with you? No!”
Janaka was starting to see that there was more to this inquiry than meets the eye. “You are right, when I was there, none of these things were with me. So none of these are real either. But then tell me, oh wise one, what then is real?”
“That which was present then and now, there and here; that is what is real. And what is that, you wonder? Tat Tvam Asi! That thou art!”
“Were you not there when you were escaping into the jungle and when the wild boars caused your food to spill? And are you not here in your fancy clothes, comfortable and secure in your glorious palace?”
“The self that illuminates both alone, is real. The one that remains awake, and is witness to both, your dream and your wakefulness, is real. That is the true you, oh Janaka, that is your true Self.”
Janaka, being a gifted and spiritually-minded soul, meditated upon Ashtavakra’s explanation. His confusion all washed away. And, Janaka transformed into an even better King, eternally immersed in the knowledge of his true Self.